Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj


Viveka Choodamani Ch.4, vv.14-17 | In Quest of Truth – Q&A with Babaji, No.203

Babaji’s commentary on the Viveka Choodamini is available to buy.
A Modern Exposition by Shri Babaji of Adi Shankara’s famous commentary. This book contains the teachings that Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj gave to Babaji during the twenty years of selfless service to His beloved Guru in the Dehra Dun Ashram.

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0:00 Introduction
0:13 Viveka Choodamani, Chapter 4 – Eligibility of the Disciple
1:41 Despite being sincere to Babaji and Swamiji as Gurus in life, why do we sometimes fail to practice meditation diligently? How to develop sincerity in one’s thoughts and actions?
7:04 The only person who can determine our sincerity is we ourself, as we know where our thoughts. are?
8:03 Chapter 4, verse 14
9:05 What is the importance of auspicious time and place in reaching the Ultimate Truth and how do we convert the atmosphere into a conducive one?
16:41 Chapter 4, verse 15
18:04 Can one use the mind and its imaginations for self-inquiry towards Self-Realization? Does that mean that those who do not have a Guru can still achieve Self-Realization?
26:05 Chapter 4, verse 16
27:44 Can one gain real intelligence through meditation alone or are there other factors like reading, studying, observing, to gain such intelligence?
34:34 There are many intelligent individuals who lack spiritual growth and focus on worldly achievements – does this mean they are intelligent but lack spiritual wisdom?
46:54 Chapter 4, verse 17
49:19 With constant meditation, will the mind slowly recede and detach itself from worldly illusions and only when we start longing for liberation, we are on the right path of spirituality.

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