On completing His Tapas, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati appeared before Swamiji and issued Him with His new mission:
“People of this world have forgotten themselves and that is why they are miserable. Initiate them into Dhyana Yoga so they can know themselves by
the practice of meditation.”

Babaji, carrying on the Mission of His Guru Shri Swamiji, has been teaching the technique of meditation freely, without charge, all over the world for the last 23 years, giving Darshan, Initiation (Diksha) into meditation, and conducting Satsangs (teaching sessions), all with help from voluntary donations only. The Mission has been running like this since it was established in 1962, when Shri Swamiji emerged to the world as a Yogi, after completing His twelve years of arduous Tapas (the highest pitch of meditation practice) to serve all of humanity by freely giving this precious gift of meditation known as Jangama Dhyana, without any discrimination of caste, religion, belief or status.

The Mission follows the ancient tradition of Guru Dakshina (‘Donation’ in Sanskrit language). This was the tradition followed in ancient India where the Guru would freely impart the knowledge, wisdom and the practical method —to achieve That highest spiritual goal— to the student, without charging anything or entering into any type of business contract where the quantity of knowledge and wisdom the Guru would impart would depend on the contribution of the student, treating him or her as a client. Rather, the student would, based on his or her capability and free will, give some donation to help the Guru maintain the physical body and for the upkeep of the institution that He or She may have established.

The real Guru is always ready to impart all the knowledge and wisdom, but the only expectation the Guru would have from the student is her or his own sincerity, effort, and faith. This is the only requirement and demand the Guru would have, so that then the learning process can really happen.

"Practicing the Teachings and achieving the Truth is itself the greatest donation, the best gift that a student
can give to me."
~Shri Babaji

As Shri Swamiji Himself said when some of His devotees from the West mentioned that He should charge for the Dhyana Diksha (Initiation into Meditation), otherwise people would not understand its value:

“See, when Shankara Bhagavan
(Lord Shiva) came and made Me to sit
for Tapas, He didn’t charge anything, so,
in the name of Dhyana (meditation),
I am not going to charge anything.
With whatever voluntary contributions come, I can run my Ashram with that.”

We deeply appreciate all the voluntary contributions…
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which are helpful in sustaining and spreading the Mission. So many of Babaji’s teachings are freely available on the website and on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook.
Those who are willing to go deeper into this practice…
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are welcome to come to the Ashram and receive the Dhyana Diksha (Initiation in the meditation technique of Jangama Dhyana) directly from Babaji.
Meditation retreats at the Ashram are also open to all…
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to allow spiritual seekers to retreat from their everyday routines for a period of time and focus on deepening their practice in the physical presence of Babaji.
We deeply appreciate all the voluntary contributions…
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which are helpful in sustaining and spreading the Mission. So many of Babaji’s teachings are freely available on the website and on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook.
Those who are willing to go deeper into this practice…
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are welcome to come to the Ashram and receive the Dhyana Diksha (Initiation in the meditation technique of Jangama Dhyana) directly from Babaji.
Meditation retreats at the Ashram are also open to all…
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to allow spiritual seekers to retreat from their everyday routines for a period of time and focus on deepening their practice in the physical presence of Babaji.