Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Going on the right path – Q&A, No.214

Recorded on 19 October 2024 with worldwide participants

0:00 Intro
0:07 What is the right path to take in life?
2:30 Why is it that many people seem to chose the wrong path in life?
5:49 Is it necessary to have the intelligence to realise we have to go for the permanent truth, the permanent happiness?
11:11 What is the importance of finding a master, a guru, to show us the right path?
17:08 Why do we not go for god itself?
22:42 How can we remain inspired and motivated to stay on the spiritual path?
29:16 What is the importance of adopting the right technique?
36:07 Do we need to understand all the time in our lives that we need to silence our mind?
38:21 Should a person directly activate the third eye using the shambhavi mudra?
41:46 How long should we be doing the meditation for?
43:28 In meditation my body starts to rotate anti-clockwise, why is this?
44:27 When Babaji was being trained by Swamiji and was, for example, doing cleaning, did he imagine Swamiji at the same time?
45:25 Vendanta emphasises viveka and vairagya – how does one fully live in the world and at the same time practice vairagya?
47:31 Is it the brain that gives us trouble and is it the brain that carries karma?
48:38 How to be fearless and face things in life outside the practice of meditation?
49:38 Will our karma reduce as we practice meditation?
50:56 What about the karma that has already accumulated, how can this be reduced?
51:31 What is paravak or Dakshinamurthi, silence?
52:41 In what way should thinking be used? Should we simply follow silence?
53:15 Thoughts about what we need to do in the day keep coming in meditation
55:49 Head moves to the left side during meditation
57:06 During recovery after illness the mind is very fuzzy and meditation is difficult
59:23 What is the eternal truth?
1:00:08 Experience of hair-twirling on top of head during meditation

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