Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj


DSM Meditation Retreat 2024: Day 2, Evening Q&A with Babaji

A series of Q&As filmed at the Shivabalayogi Devarayasamudram Ashram in South India during a meditation retreat with Shri Babaji over the course of 10 days.

0:00 Intro
0:11 What is the difference between mission and life?
2:07 What is the significance of walking around the idol in the temple?
5:41 Could Babaji describe the three different stages of manifestation?
12:51 If we do not merge with the supreme consciousness in this life does that mean we will undergo cycles of rebirth until we eventually merge?
14:34 There is no guarantee that the next birth will be a human birth?
15:46 Will tests come to us all as we progress on the spiritual path?
17:40 When you are going through a test and you call upon the Guru for help, does the Guru help as well?
21:32 How can you have faith and devotion if you don’t have a religious background?
23:42 Can meeting a Guru and receiving the teaching of meditation be enough to see you through without sustained contact with the Guru?
27:46 What if we don’t have many questions to give us a reason to contact the Guru?
29:04 Can Bhakti Marga, the devotional path lead to liberation?
30:23 When Babaji fell in love with Swamiji, did all the other deities that Babaji had worshipped become Swamiji?
33:52 Would Babaji advise people to repeat internally the mantra Shivabalayogi gave Him before practising meditation?
34:32 Can one also chant while in activity, outside of the meditation?
35:04 Where and how do we draw the line between the spiritual life and the materialistic world?
36:40 How does a selfless devotion develop?
38:17 Where does the desire for Self Realisation come from and is that connected with grace?

Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji here

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