Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Swamiji’s Mother and Babaji’s Parents Aradhana

Babaji’s Message

“They were great Souls.

Pujya Allaka Parvatamma, Our Parama Pujya Guru Maharaj’s great mother. She had been blessed to give birth to a great Yogi like Shivabalayogi is itself great. In her personality of simplicity, humility, and never had any ego. Looked after all devotees of Guru Maharaj as her own children. She showed the right attitude toward Seva and karma Yoga. We had the fortune of experiencing her love and care. We pay the richest possible tributes to Maa Parvatamma.

Parents Shankara and Sharada showed the right Bhakti marga. Importance of applying the mind to learn successful devotion was taught by parents in Baba’s childhood. Mother blessed and sent Baba to Guru Maharaj for Seva and took a promise that he would not give up or abandon Seva for any reason. Till the last breath must serve Guru. She said from now on Guru is your mother, father, Guru, and God. Baba was fortunate to have such a mother who willingly sent her son on to the spiritual path, to be a brahmachari and Guru’s servant and never look back”

Aradhana in memory of these great souls is being done on 21 August 2022. It is auspicious for admirers and devotees of Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi. May Shri Guru Maharaj bless us all”

With love and blessings

Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi

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