Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Mahasamadhi Message 2023

“This year 2023 devotees of Shri Guru Maharaj Shivabalayogi will be organizing 29th Mahasamadhi Aradhana. 29 years since our Swamiji disappeared physically from the eyes of this world. Many might miss His physical personality.

However devotees all over the world have been able to experience His presence. He is with all of us. More and more spiritually inclined are taking up Meditation practice seriously and becoming devotees of Swamiji Maharaj by following His teachings and meditation. Devotees are being blessed by Guru Maharaj in the form of Vibhuti, Bhavasamadhi, Homa, Bhajan keertan, Seva kaaryakram etc.

Unconditionally we surrender at the Lotus feet of Swamiji and seek refuge. To be a servant at His lotus feet is great fortune. May Guru Maharaj bless us all on this auspicious occasion of Mahasamadhi.”

Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi

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