Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

What is Consciousness? – online Q&A, No.206

Recorded on 30 November 2024 with worldwide participants.

0:00 Intro
0:20 How has consciousness arisen within unconscious matter?
7:19 Is consciousness beyond the experiences of thoughts and sensations from our sensory organs?
9:00 Are there different individual consciousnesses within the one consciousness?
16:11 When the mind is still, you become aware of the real Self, the pure consciousness?
17:43 Is the instruction to ‘just watch’ in meditation the same as being aware of that consciousness of existence?
19:21 When the mind is totally quiet, does one experience anything in that state?
20:30 Many people are scared of no longer experiencing anything.
25:35 Is the goal of evolution of living organisms to develop a brain intelligent enough to realise that we need to become peaceful?
28:30 Does anything exist outside of our consciousness?
35:13 Do we have to stop making assumptions about anything?
39:48 What happens to the consciousness at the time of birth and death?
40:32 Within scientific community it is said that, “no science achieves maturity without a system of measurement.” Will science have to change in order to understand consciousness?
42:25 By a tiny part of Parabrahman’s imagination, the world appeared as his dream?
44:07 Is it important to think of consciousness in Indian yogic terms?
46:48 What does Babaji mean by the consciousness dilutes from birth to birth?
48:16 Is science as it exists now, also a product of imagination, creativity?
49:50 What is happening to the consciousness in someone who is mentally challenged?
51:50 What is the difference between the state of unconsciousness and pure consciousness?
53:29 Can quietness of mind take us to understanding the consciousness?
55:02 If I pray, does my individual consciousness link to the all-pervaded consciousness?
58:23 Is consciousness the same as Atma?
1:00:38 When a Self Realised master drops the body, are there no longer any thoughts?

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