Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

How to live a Spiritual Life? Pt2 – online Q&A with Babaji, No.188

Recorded on 25 July 2024 with Malaysian participants

0:00 Intro
0:08 How can one develop awareness of the Self while carrying out day to day activities?
4:36 Advice to newcomers to meditation on how to avoid anxiety and outcomes in daily life.
6:53 If we become unattached to the world, how to handle being perceived as cold-hearted or not responsible?
12:05 To experience life fully should we experience the full array of emotions in this world?
16:20 Is it correct that emotion itself is not right or wrong, but we shouldn’t get too attached?
17:18 What can we do to increase willpower to practice meditation?
24:35 What to do when the mind drifts away in meditation when concentrating mind and sight inbetween eyebrows?
25:53 Is the space between two thoughts the same as the space around us and throughout the universe?
27:14 What is the difference between the space, brahman and parabrahman?
28:51 The head tilts during meditation, what is the explanation for this?
29:51 If I sit cross-legged in meditation, after a while the legs become numb. Should I avoid sitting in this way?
30:36 Could peace be an imagination?
32:00 How not to lose heart if things don’t turn out as expected?

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