Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj


Beyond Birth and Death – online Q&A, No.161

Recorded on 27 January 2024 with worldwide participants.

0:00 Introduction from Babaji
1:03 Can Babaji explain how we are beyond the birth and death of this body?
6:05 Is it because of the imaginations and tendencies that we have acquired that this birth and death appears to us?
10:53 If in this lifetime we cannot achieve Self-Realization, what happens?
15:51 What is Mahasamadhi?
20:06 Is it not enough just to be tired of this world and desire not to be reborn?
22:40 Is it because we are born to our parents that we don’t question why it has happened?
32:15 Will all individual souls all eventually go back to the Self?
33:27 When someone close to you dies, in most religions we pray for them, is that beneficial?
34:48 Are chakras and kundalini myths because they are simply a part of our imagination?
37:07 The sensation of descending back into the body after experiencing silence in meditation.
38:34 Can we benefit from being in samadhi for 1 hour a day?
40:18 During meditation how can we stop the mind conversing with itself?
41:48 Can we tell the mind to just ‘shut up and focus’?
42:35 How did Swamiji come to know of stories from the scriptures?
44:10 Are animals also individual souls?
45:12 What is experienced in the last breath of life?
46:24 Are our good habits as involving in the world as our bad habits?
47:56 When we pray to Swamiji are we praying to the Divinity?
49:17 What is the inherent meaning of the dance of Shiva with the dead body of Uma on his shoulder?

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