Sunday 11th August from 10:00 AM
You are cordially invited to join us with family and friends on the special occasion Aradhana for
Pujya Guru Matha Allaka Parvathamma (Shri Swamiji’s Holi Mother)

and Shri Shivarudra Balayogi Maharaj’s Parents, Shri Shankara and Sharada

Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj Ashram DEVARAYASAMUDRA
Kolar Dist, Karnataka, India
Satyanarayana Dikshit
Mobile: +9198802 74411
Special Abhishekam, Pujas, Lord Satyanarayana Vratha & Annadanam (Mass Feeding)
Date: 11th August 2024 (Sunday) Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
All are welcome to participate and obtain Shri Guru Maharaj’s Blessings
Yours at the Lotus Feet of Shri Guru Maharaj Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi
Donations are Thankfully Received