Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Category: Q&A: Transcript


Dealing with difficult people

UK Retreat, September 2017 Question: In my work I often deal with difficult people who can be unreasonable. It can


Mantra and meditation

UK Retreat September 2017 Question:My question is about sadhana and spiritual practice. My spiritual practice for the last few years


Gaining inner strength

UK Retreat September 2017   Question: Thank You. Yesterday you talked about focusing between the eyebrows and remaining there with


Mind and Brain

Retreat Dehradun – March 2016 Question:  Is it unique to humans that there is this part of us that is


The potency of imagination 

Retreat Dehradun – March 2016 Question:  Why does the mind imagine all these things? Babaji:  Just for the sake of

Mind & Brain

Temptations, Mind and Brain

Retreat Dehradun – March 2016 Question:  What causes the temptation and this tendency to get dragged into the world? Babaji:

Overcome ego

Overcoming the ego

Retreat September 2017     Question:  I have difficulty understanding how to remove the ego. I think I’m suppressing the



UK Retreat September 2017   Question: Yesterday You told us to have a silent retreat and now we experience the

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