Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Understanding Impermanence and Attaining the Eternal – online Q&A, No. 180

Recorded on 9 June 2024 with US participants

0:00 Intro
0:09 What is the ‘love of being’ that makes one get through life’s unsurmountable difficulties?
5:05 Is it because we have wrongly identified ourselves that we develop a need for things in our life?
7:18 Overcoming the idea of ourselves as a person with the practice of meditation.
11:22 Is it our mind that changes, not ourselves?
11:55 The distinction between consciousness and mind
13:08 Removing the sense of ‘I am’ to achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi
14:16 The word for ‘I am consciousness’ could just be ‘mind’?
15:10 At first you realise yourself as the ‘I’ and then when that goes away you become universal existence?
18:13 Is the meditation technique is observing without analysing?
18:35 What is a definition of the Self?
19:22 What is a subtle body?
20:50 What happens to the subtle body at death?
21:58 Is the mind without a body what is called a soul?
22:31 Could the rebirth happen anywhere, not necessarily in this world?
23:34 Will your progress continue in the next rebirth or do you have to start over?
25:18 Is the highest goal of life supreme peace?
27:19 Why does Tapas take so long before Self Realisation happens?
28:19 Is meditation just about removing thoughts, or is it also about understanding and realisation?
30:00 What is the difference between dreams and regular everyday thoughts?
32:29 Is karma simply in the imagination, there is no good or bad?
33:27 Can meditation practice go side by side with worldly activities?
35:24 How to let go of the ‘I’ thought
36:54 What is the choice that Swamiji made to come back to the world?
38:38 The experience of a loved one leaving the body
39:35 What is Siddhi and Samadhi?
41:10 Is marriage necessary for a seeker who wishes to go into Tapas?
41:43 What are two other things we can do during the day, like reading or service work?
43:18 What is the difference between service work and karma yoga?
44:35 Is there any hope for humanity?
45:35 When we sit to meditate should we think of our individual ‘I’ that is trying to watch?
46:59 For someone who does bad things but thinks they are doing good, will their actions be registered as a bad thing?
47:53 Does a Yogi become everything in this universe, having lost the individual ego?
49:32 Is Mahasamadhi the same thing as becoming a Yogi?
50:35 Do we become shunya or nothing eventually?
51:09 How do we spread awareness of Babaji’s teachings?
52:08 What are angels?

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