Retreat Dehradun – March 2016

Question: What causes the temptation and this tendency to get dragged into the world?
Babaji: The basic reason is that you are looking for happiness. We think that this happiness is desired by enjoyment and that enjoyment comes when we own more things, when we become more powerful and more secure. We think if we have ten dollars then we can be secure. If it’s a hundred dollars we can be more secure. If it is a thousand dollars we can be much more secure. Like that the temptation goes on and on and is never ending. Then we say, “What if that also finishes? What if the market rates go down? I need to have five thousand dollars.” Like that the temptation and the imaginations grow and jump wanting to see that the life is enjoyable at all times. That is what the effort goes for every time. And thus we succumb to the temptations. We never feel secure whatever we have.
Question: Is it the mind or the brain or both together that is actually seeking this enjoyment?
Babaji: Just now the primary reason is the brain which is constantly reflecting and trying to tempt you, “this can give enjoyment, this can give enjoyment. Here it is. I have made, I have made so much in this world. So this can be enjoyment.” Like that the brain goes on reflecting and the mind becomes a victim because the mind has lost its way. It has forgotten that peace is the real enjoyment and that enjoyment is within the Self. It has forgotten its existence. That is what is recommended. We want to have a friend. We want to be secure.
Question: It seems sometimes as if there is something deliberately acting against my attempts to quieten the mind. As the mind becomes quiet then something comes to draw it back into the world.
Babaji: It is the brain’s reflections. The brain is constantly trying to suck you back and tempt you. It is like the movie constantly tries to suck you in all the time. In a way the brain can be called sometimes like a devil trying to tempt you, but if this devil is tamed properly and you become the master it can become a very good servant and you can use it. If you allow it to become the master it will become a devil.
Question: We have the mind, then you talk about the brain’s tendencies. Are they different?
Babaji: Yes. If we try to see the brain really doesn’t have a tendency, it simply reflects. Just like a thermometer says this much temperature in the body. The mind simply reflects, “this thing is there, this thing is there, this thing is there.” So if you complain to the brain it says, “I am not telling them anything else. I am telling it is there, that is all. I am just saying this is the cloth available. This is the gadget available, for this much I will pay. They don’t want to buy, they don’t want to buy that is all.” Now the mind becomes active, “Now I must fight this. It is so beautiful. I am the proud owner. I have got this one.” Like this.
Question: So it is the mind that makes a judgement? Mind recognises, analyzes and judges?
Babaji: Mind makes a judgement and fools itself, “OK, this is the thing. I want to have it.”
Question: Does the brain mirror the mind so that the mind moulds the brain in a particular way so that it acts?
Babaji: Yes. The brain is reflecting and the mind gets applied and accepts whatever the brain reflects. The mind’s application gives more punch to the brain’s reflections. Like mind is the fuel for the brain and the brain’s reflections are fuel for the mind to be active as they both try to be active with each other.
Question: Babaji, do the acquired habits get stored in the mind?
Babaji: No, the things get stored in the brain actually. Mind is habitual to think in that particular way. It is a pure concept of existence but it simply becomes habitual to think in that particular way.
Question: You said Babaji that during your Tapas, as the mind became quieter and more peaceful, temptations became stronger and more challenging.
Babaji: No, I think what I would have told is as the mind gathers and is coming together so when that mind produces then the picture becomes more challenging because that appears more solid and perfect and realistic, fundamentally, technically realistic because its potency strength has increased. The more it is increasing when it tempts. Ten pounds can tempt you, ten thousand pounds can tempt you to go for this, “Now I have ten thousand pounds I can buy this, I can do this.” So the power increases. In the same way mind’s power increases. When it imagines, when it manifests such a truth of reality it becomes difficult to accept that is not a reality.
Question: It’s so hard to truly accept that everything in this world is unreal, it’s just a product of our imagination.
Babaji: Yes. See, this world is so solid and true and realistic. It becomes difficult to accept that it is a scene, it is produced. Nothing really is there. But unless you experience Samadhi the mind will never accept this because the mind is trapped into the brain. That brain is in the body which itself has become a part of this universe.