A series of Q&As filmed at the Shivabalayogi Devarayasamudram Ashram in South India during a meditation retreat with Shri Babaji over the course of 10 days.
0:00 Intro
0:07 Was it a shock when Babaji opened His eyes, on completing Tapas, to witness the world as an illusion?
2:54 I thought it would be similar to when astronauts look back at the earth from space, when they have a transformative experience.
4:53 If one is not drawn to the path of devotion, can one instead simply have a firm conviction that the world is unreal?
6:12 If one is not drawn to the path of devotion, can one instead simply have a firm conviction that the world is unreal?
7:41 So anything that appears is not real?
9:27 When Ramakrishna saw goddess Kali, is this the infinite taking a form?
12:14 Is it for the sake of the world that Babaji remains devoted to Hanuman, to Shiva and other deities?
15:27 Why do some different schools of Advaita criticise each other?
16:45 What is the story of how the Hanuman temple got built at this Ashram?
17:55 What is the significance of Hanuman?
24:47 Is it helpful to try to visualise the world as an illusion as we go about our daily lives?
26:12 What did Babaji mean by “It is You who is answering the question, it is You who is asking the question, for You to find the way back to the Divinity”?
29:18 If there is only one being, can we say that different masters get Realized at the same moment in time?
29:47 Would it be the same awakening?
30:34 When Swamiji used to manifest, how did He awaken Babaji when He was in the samadhi state?
30:55 Does the new moon or the full moon have any affect on meditation?
31:35 How did Valmiki overcome his sins to become Self-Realized?
33:09 If we commit a wrong act and regret it, should we be open to whatever karma will come?
33:43 If we do something wrong and we regret, is the suffering already in the mind?
34:06 Swamiji used to say that Narada also initiated Jesus when he came to India?
34:59 How did Jesus become so famous whereas many other saints were not well known?
36:32 Was this a good thing, that Jesus became well known in this way?
37:06 Could Babaji narrate the story of sage Narada and the two disciples?
39:11 Who was sage Narada?
40:49 If I slap somebody, at some point in life will someone slap me back?
42:29 Does good karma also come back to you?
45:50 Why do you still have to undergo karma if the mind has been purified?
50:21 Why is it that everywhere Swamiji established Ashrams there has been some conflict over those properties?