Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Viveka Choodamani – The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination – digital pdf


A Modern Exposition by Shri Babaji of Adi Shankara’s famous commentary. This book contains the teachings that Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj gave to Babaji during the twenty years of selfless service to His beloved Guru in the Dehra Dun Ashram.

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Viveka Choodamani

A Modern Exposition by Shri Babaji of Adi Shankara’s famous commentary.

This is a PDF Digital Book.

This book contains the teachings that Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj gave to Babaji during the twenty years of selfless service to His beloved Guru in the Dehra Dun Ashram.

Adi Shankaracharya, the great Yogi-philosopher of India speaks to us through His great work ‘Viveka Choodamani’ of the Truth – not as a scholar, but as one who has become One with It. He gives in deep, thorough and complete detail a description of the path to attaining It, and a clear glimpse of the Supreme Peace awaiting us there.

Now through the clear voice of Baba Shri Shiva Rudra Balayogi, new life is breathed into this ancient text, sounding down through the ages with a new clarity, bringing hope and inspiration to the modern world. Babaji speaks from that same Divine Truth as did Shankaracharya before Him, illuminating the text anew and through His clear and precise commentary, unearthing Shankaracharya’s deeper meaning concealed within the script. Seekers of the Truth will find solace and new inspiration in His commentary of Shankara’s great work, revealed as it is from the Heart of that Divinity.

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