Between February 3rd to the 14th a memorable Meditation retreat took place at the beautiful Shivabalayogi Ashram in Devarayasamudram, South India. There was an increase from twenty participants last year to forty participants this time, who gathered from countries all over the world; India, US, Australia, Hungary, Russia, Norway, Spain, Romania, Brazil, UK, Greece, France, all with the common purpose of immersing themselves into meditation practice and sadhana at the abode of Shiva Rudra Balayogi and to learn first-hand from the Master Himself.
This year there was a new addition to the Ashram complex; two extra floors in the Ashram guesthouse, making it possible for more participants to attend the retreat and be accommodated on the Ashram grounds. As Babaji mentioned, unpredicted heavy rains had delayed the work, meaning the workers had been in ‘war-footing’ under the direction of Babaji’s elder brother Satya to finish in time so that the participants could stay in comfort with the amenities required.
Babaji Himself was still in recovery from a health issue in early January, but as Babaji constantly demonstrates time and time again, a Yogi’s benevolence is infinite, like a Mother to her small children; giving, guiding and inspiring whenever earnest seekers are there. Immediately it felt like a beautiful family reunion, everyone feeling the vibrations of supreme peace all around.
The retreat was set from the start as a silent retreat, with gossipy chats discouraged. For newcomers, Babaji gave initiation into the technique of Jangama Dhyana. As Babaji explained, an initiation means the Master takes an initiative – to be there at all times to inspire, help and motivate us to keep putting in efforts and achieve that peace for ourselves. For the daily schedule there were three Meditation sessions each day interspersed with two question and answer sessions with Babaji.
These question and answer sessions with Babaji also featured Ambaji, Babaji’s chief disciple. Her extensive and unique experience of looking after Babaji’s body since the days of Baba’s Tapas, her continuous service in the Ashram, as well as her in-depth knowledge of spirituality put another aspect to Baba’s teachings and was a wonderful complement. She reminded us of how rare and precious an opportunity it was to ask questions to a Self-Realized Master and not to let such a chance go to waste.
It felt surreal sitting there in the beautiful evening light with the backdrop of the hillock listening to Babaji speak on the highest truths of spirituality – a timeless feeling, like witnessing the Upanishads being delivered for the first time by those ancient sages. Babaji at times spoke about the teachings of the great Masters of old, Rama, Krishna – and we felt we knew them personally. When talking about His own beloved Guru Shivabalayogi in some hilarious anecdotes, automatically He would impersonate Swamiji’s voice and actions, belying His true love for His Guru, and transport us to those times.
Babaji emphasized how that one same divinity is all pervading if only we can become aware of it. How practice is so vital, self-efforts to make this monkey-mind become quiet once and for all. How that supreme peace is indeed within us all, not in the impermanent outside world. That inspiration we brought into the next meditation sessions with renewed vigour, to practice the Meditation technique of Jangama Dhyana in the proper way, to ‘just watch’, not to think, not to even recognize the thoughts that come up. How can this mind not become quiet? Surely it can be!
Alongside the meditations and Q&As, chanting was also practised from the morning. After Baba’s chant woke us from our first early morning meditation, we proceeded with the Hanuman Chalisa and other chants as per Baba’s usual daily routine. We then proceeded to the temple in the Ashram grounds with further chants and Abishekham (the pouring of milk and water over a deity) after which Babaji blessed all of us, one at a time. Babaji explained that for all these rituals and chants, your attention must be there fully – only then will your mind get connected and you will get the spiritual benefit.
For a few days also we ventured to the Hanuman temple which is situated in the land just outside the Ashram (incidentally the ancestral land of Babaji’s family and now boasting fruit orchards and a number of cows which supply milk for the Ashram). In this elevated temple was performed the ‘Vada Mala’ ceremony, which as the name suggests features actual ‘vadas’ (deep fried snack) as a garland for the Hanuman idol. We all partook this blessed food, ‘prasad’ from Babaji at the end of the ceremony, cleansed and energised for the day (and ready for breakfast).
All meals were vegetarian and delicious – we had to remind ourselves of the advice not to overeat to avoid any attacks of drowsiness in the meditation. Babaji joined us at the dining hall for each meal and blessed the food each time before we sat down to eat.
And like that, the first week went by, then, with more pace, the second week.
Before we knew it, it was time to go back to our daily lives again. It felt like we had been in an altogether different dimension separate to the world, and now we were to travel back to the world with all its dramas.
Babaji alerted us to remember the words that Babaji had spoken, what we had learnt at the retreat. Not to be casual and let it slip and fade away, but to keep Baba and His teachings alive in our hearts, so that even in the midst of being in the world with all its distractions we can remain at peace without confusion, and remain dedicated in our practise to silence our minds and go towards eventual Self-Realisation.
In Babaji’s final address to participants He reiterated the important mantra of “Adjust and Manage”. Adjust and manage in life, work, in relationships, in everything. Only then can we really be peaceful and happy whilst living in the world.
There was a general feeling that we had all been part of something really special – it had exceeded our imagination of what a retreat could be. It had been a supercharged experience that not only cleansed our minds but also elevated us. It felt like coming back home after a long time away.
Thank You Babaji for giving Your time so generously to patiently guide us, and to Ambaji and all the team at the Ashram who quietly and selflessly took care of every last detail behind the scenes.
Here’s to the next opportunity we may be blessed to sit at the Lotus Feet of the Divine Guru.
Jai Shiva Balayogi Maharaj Ki Jai!
Jai Shiva Rudra Balayogi Maharaj Ki Jai!
*Video recordings of the Q+As were taken and will be uploaded to Babaji’s Youtube channel in due course.