One of the Greatest Secrets of Mind Control
Perth, October 2006, Day 2 Once again offering my unconditional surrender and prostrations with deep love and reverence to my beloved Guru Shivabalayogi, considering Him
Perth, October 2006, Day 2 Once again offering my unconditional surrender and prostrations with deep love and reverence to my beloved Guru Shivabalayogi, considering Him
At the Samadhi Yoga, Colorado, 6th June 2009 Prostrations to Him who imparted, who told, who donated, who gave, that amazing knowledge of the Self
Brighton 1st July 2007 Prostrations with deep love and reverence at the Lotus Feet of beloved Master Shivabalayogi and this evening, welcoming you all, we
London 8th July 2008 Seeking refuge and offering my pranams, prostrations with deep love and reverence at the Lotus Feet of my Master, Shivabalayogi, welcoming
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia Final program October 2006 Today is the last public program in Queensland for this year and we appreciate your interest in
Part 4 – Conclusion From my learning from the Guru and from my own experience, spiritually, any exercise (sadhana) that you undertake, knowingly or unknowingly,
Part 3 Here is part III of Baba’s teaching on true bhava samadhi, which was initially imparted to the devotees by the Grace of Babaji’s
Part 2 Since the completion of Tapas in 1999, Shri Shivarudra Balayogi Maharaj has been carrying on the Mission of His Guru, Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj,
Part 1 Since the completion of Tapas in 1999, Shri Shivarudra Balayogi Maharaj has been carrying on the Mission of His Guru, Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj,
Perth, 11 October 2007 Om, Bramhananadam Parama Sukadham, Kevalam JnaanamoorthimDvandhvaatheetam Gagana Sadhrisham, Tatvamasyaadhi LakshyamEkam Nithyam Vimalamachalam, Sarvaadhee SaakshibhootamBhavaatheetham Trigunarahitham, Sadgurum Tvam Namaamee. Millions of times,
Perth, 10th October 2007 Om, Bramhananadam Parama Sukadham, Kevalam JnaanamoorthimDvandhvaatheetam Gagana Sadhrisham, Tatvamasyaadhi LakshyamEkam Nithyam Vimalamachalam, Sarvaadhee SaakshibhootamBhavaatheetham Trigunarahitham, Sadgurum Tvam Namaamee. Once again offering
Perth, 29 April 2008 Om, Brahmananadam Parama Sukadham, Kevalam JnaanamoorthimDvandhvaatheetam Gagana Sadhrisham, Tatvamasyaadhi LakshyamEkam Nithyam Vimalamachalam, Sarvaadhee SaakshibhootamBhavaatheetham Trigunarahitham, Sadgurum Tvam Namaamee. Offering my unconditional
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Shri Babaji narrates the story of how he met his Guru Shri Swamiji and the circumstances which led to his Tapas and Self-Realization. This year
Babaji explains how through the instruction ‘just watch’ in meditation, you can get out of the whirlpool of continual thoughts. [See the full Q&A session
Shri Babaji talks of the great masters who have conveyed their teachings with one beautiful sentence. Taken from ‘A purified mind while living in the
Shri Babaji lovingly narrates in detail the events around His Divine Guru Shri Shivabalayogi’s amazing, gruelling, 12 year Tapas. 7th August is set aside in
Babaji is asked questions on the highest spiritual truths in Hindi by His head disciple Amba Shivaranjani (Ambaji)
Babaji explains the six enemies of the mind, the arishadvarga, which the ancient sages identified as the six extreme negative emotions which, whenever anyone experiences
The meditation technique of Jangama Dhyana The Jangama Dhyana meditation technique is Universal, not related or linked to any religion or belief system. Babaji’s Guru