Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Meditation Retreats

All in-person meditation retreats conducted by Babaji take place at Shri Shivabalayogi Ashram, Devarayasamudra, Karnataka, South India.

A unique opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice and be in the presence of a Self-Realized Yogi

Baba also offers ongoing weekly Zoom meditations across different time zones worldwide, guiding participants in meditation and deepening their spiritual understanding. These sessions are held for various countries, including India, the United States, Australia, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and Indonesia, providing an opportunity for seekers to meditate with Baba and receive his teachings, no matter where they are.

Shri Babaji teaches in a simple and practical way one of the highest techniques called Jangama Dhyana, practiced since ancient times by the great sages of India.

This silent meditation technique was practiced by Babaji and His Guru Swamiji for an average of 20-23 hours a day continuously for many years in an intense and austere practice called Tapas.

Swamiji on completing 12 years of Tapas
Babaji on completing 5 years of Tapas

On completion of Tapas, they both emerged as true Yogis, one who has achieved the ultimate goal of the spiritual path, Self-Realisation.  As Ramana Maharishi says, “A Yogi is the ever silent one”, who has achieved total stillness of the mind and abides in the Supreme Peace of the Self at all times.

There are many misconceptions about spirituality, causing confusion as to which path to take. Babaji, One who has 1st hand experience of the Truth, teaches that spirituality is like a science; that by adopting the proper technique and putting in self-efforts, one can control the mind and keep it quiet, enabling peace and contentment within everyday life and leading to the awareness of one’s own true nature, the Real Self.

At the core of Babaji’s teachings is the simple message:

"Meditate, practise Sadhana, find out who you really are".
~ Shri Babaji

The Ashram

Set in Babaji’s birth place, in the small village of Devarayasamudra, 100km east of Bangalore, the
Ashram is all surrounded by nature and provides a wonderfully peaceful environment for spiritual
seekers to learn and practise Sadhana.

Daily Retreat Activities

  • Multiple meditation sessions
  • Satsang with Babaji (question and answer)
  • Devotional practises including Bhajans, Puja, chantings, and Arathi
  • Voluntary seva (service)

To know more about upcoming retreats

Step 1: Fill in the contact form below to subscribe to the upcoming retreats emailing list.

Step 2: You will receive an email with further information about the retreat when next retreat dates are decided and registrations open.

For further information, please email us at:

Meditation Retreat year round page - Contact form (#12)

Shri Babaji App

The Shri Babaji App provides guidance, motivation and inspiration to meditate and a useful meditation timer with Babaji giving the Jangama Dhyana Meditation technique.

  • Meditation instructions together with a timer to aid practice
  • Talks from Babaji on meditation and spiritual matters including transcripts, and audio and video recordings
  • A selection of inspirational quotes to motivate a daily meditation practice
  • Latest news on talks and articles
  • Keep up to date with meditation sessions in your local area

In Quest of Truth Podcasts

Listen to Babaji’s Question and Answer sessions wherever you are.
Available to download and listen offline.

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