Dedicated to the lotus feet of the divine Guru Shivabalayogi Maharaj

Category: Talk: Transcript


You are not the ‘I’ that you have imagined

Perth, Australia, 16 October 2007 Om, Brahmananadam Parama Sukadham, Kevalam Jnaanamoorthim Dvandhvaatheetam Gagana Sadhrisham, Tatvamasyaadhi Lakshyam Ekam Nithyam Vimalamachalam, Sarvaadhee


Insist on the Ultimate Truth

Baba in Oz, May 13 2004 This was the final night of public programs in Perth and the hall was beautifully


Your mind is the first casualty

Sunshine Coast Talk, 2005 Prostrations again and again to my beloved Guru Shivabalayogi. He taught us through so many ways.

Mind control

Two mantras – adjust and accommodate

October 2005 Tour -Sunshine Coast – Day 5 Brahmanandam Paramasukadam Kevalam Jnanamurtim Dvandvaateetam Gaganasadrisham Tattvamasyadi Lakshiyam Ekam Nityam Vimalam Achalam


Faith and Devotion are necessary

October 2005 Tour – Sunshine Coast Day 4 Brahmanandam Paramasukadam Kevalam Jnanamurtim Dvandvaateetam Gaganasadrisham Tattvamasyadi Lakshiyam Ekam Nityam Vimalam Achalam


Be sincere

October 2005 – Sunshine Coast Day 2 Baba Maharaj entered the hall, performed aarati and took Namaskaram to Swamiji’s altar


The Three Main Philosophies

Perth May 06 Tour – Day 7 Blessed Divine Children, our Love and Blessings to you all. As we sit here


The larger cause

Perth Tour  Oct 2006 Day 4 Prostrations with deep love and reverence to my beloved Guru.May His Lotus Feet be


Our three duties

Perth Tour  Oct 2006 Day 3  With surrender and prostrations to the Lotus Feet of the Divine Guru Shivabalayogi.  May


If I have done it, you can also do it

Perth – 4th Oct 2006  Brahmanandam Paramasukadam Kevalam Jnanamurtim Dvandvaateetam Gaganasadrisham Tattvamasyadi Laksiyam Ekam Nityam Vimalam Achalam Sarvadhi Sakshi Bhutam Bhava


Take away my ego

 Brighton 1st July 2007 Prostrations with deep love and reverence at the Lotus Feet of beloved Master Shivabalayogi and this

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